Hip Hop
I managed to attend a few hip-hop events with both local and international acts. Among artists where Forgotten Lores, Lone Catalysts, Looptroop and others.
Looptroop Rockers @ Red Square
Locations: Red Square
Day: 7.7.2001
Pictures: 76
Looptroop Rockers
Locations: Gaukur á stöng
Day: 5.7.2001
Pictures taken: 103
Pictures uploaded: 123
Locations: Gaukur á stöng
Day: 1.12.2001
Pictures taken: 103
Pictures uploaded: 94
MCs and Breakdance
Locations: Cafe 22
Day: 16.08.2001
Pictures taken: 117
Pictures uploaded: 99
Lone Catalysts
Locations: Spot-Light, Thomsen.
Day: 2.06.2001
Pictures taken: 128
Pictures uploaded: 67